Logo for Nick McKay Design, a freelance graphic designer specialising in magazine design, shortlisted twice at the Magazine Design Awards


Redesign of the EMAP monthly for business travellers. Shortly after the redesign the magazine was voted Business Travel Publication of the Year at the Business Travel Journalism Awards 2006


October 2006


Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Cover
Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Interview spread
Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Debate spread
Redesign of the EMAP monthly Business Travel World by Nick McKay. Data spread
Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Data spread
Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Section page
Redesign of the EMAP monthly Business Travel World by Nick McKay. People page
Redesign of Business Travel World magazine for EMAP by Nick McKay. Community page


“...the emails and texts keep pouring in and the Emap higher-ups are ecstatic saying this sets new boundaries etc.”

Betty Low, Editorial Director

Logo roundel for Nick McKay Design, a freelance graphic designer specialising in magazine design, shortlisted twice at the MDA
Logo text for Nick McKay Design, a freelance graphic designer specialising in magazine design, shortlisted twice at the Magazine Design Awards

0117 957 3959

07850 374 681


Linkedin logo that connects to Nick McKay's full Linkedin profile

Tashidene Cottage

Tuckett Lane


Bristol BS16 1LU

© Nick McKay Design 2021